-Pipeline Programs in Higher Education
(May 2021, Lever Press)
-Innovative Strategies for Diversifying the Professoriate
-Creative Recruitment in Race-Sensitive Environments
Educational, Non-Profit, and Corporate Change Management
*CEO & Co-Founder, Academic Pipeline Project, LLC
*Special Advisor to the Provost, Georgia State University
*Research Associate/Consultant, HBCU STEM Undergraduate Success Center, Morehouse College
*Assistant Dean/Sr. Associate Director of Graduate Admissions, Clark Atlanta University
*University of Florida, Georgia State University, University of
*Georgia, Arizona State University, and Iowa State University
*Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program
*NAGAP Enrollment Management Research Grant
*Council of Graduate Schools/Petersons Inclusiveness Grant
*EdD, Adult Education Leadership University of Georgia
*MEd, Higher Education Iowa State University
*BS, Psychology Iowa State University
February 2021: "60 at 60 honors College of Pharmacy community members who have advocated for a more equitable and inclusive society." Learn more: rx.uga.edu/college-of-pharmacy-60-at-60/
The book, Academic Pipeline Programs: Diversifying Pathways from the Bachelor's to the Professoriate (Lever, 2021), will serve as a comprehensive resource guide to support the readership’s (i.e., parents, undergraduate and graduate students, post docs, faculty, college/university and graduate school administrators) awareness of pipeline programs that recruit individuals from diverse ethnic, gender, and economic backgrounds. We are focusing on groups that are categorized as underrepresented relative to their representation in colleges and universities.
This guide will illustrate initiatives that prepare individuals for the journey from the undergraduate degree to careers in academe. This resource will provide an in-depth discussion regarding these pipeline programs using the newly created THRIVE Index which will contextualize each program into comparable and quantifiable frameworks for the reader.
Dr. Curtis D. Byrd
Research Associate/Consultant, HBCU STEM-US Center, Morehouse College
Dr. Rihana S. Mason
Research Scientist,
Georgia State University
Dr. Freeman A. Hrabowski
President, UMBC
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Dr. Ansley A. Abraham
Founding Director, SREB Doctoral Scholars Program
Story about Sage Press Webinar Series
Panelists: Drs. Curtis Byrd, Rihana Mason, Ansley Abraham (Director, SREB State Doctoral Scholars Program), and Taiese Bingham-Hickman (Associate Director, Leadership Alliance) Link
Dr. Curtis D Byrd the former Special Advisor to the Provost on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Georgia State University. Dr. Rihana S Mason is a Research Scientist at the Urban Child Study Center at Georgia State University. Link.
Panelists: Drs. Curtis Byrd, Rihana Mason, Freeman Hrabowski (President, University of Baltimore County), and Jamal Watson (Editor, Diverse: Issues In Higher Education) Link
The GSU Belonging website provides information about events, activities, programs, research projects, opportunities and resources.
Our foundational activities at Georgia State University, including our THRIVE inventory, produced their Belonging website.
The link for the GSU website is below.
Diversity Dialogue #5
April 7, 2021
February 11, 2021
January 28, 2021
July 15, 2020
July 11-12, 2019
November 20, 2018
August 17 & 24, 2018
Curtis Byrd Voice Overs: Work from WCLK Jazz Radio (91.9 FM)
Inquires and for hire contact curtisdbyrd@gmail.com
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